Our Workshop Presentations are inspirational and impactful to your student body!
We form an alliance with you and your school
As much as you want to be everywhere to protect your child or help them through these challenges you can’t be.
This is the same situation with your school. Even the best schools will experience unreported bullying issues.
The AMAYDA program gives the power to the children by educating, mentoring and upskill your child on how to manage bully related issues.
Our programs also give children the courage to be socially responsible to make sure others aren’t engaging in bully related issues making them ambassadors for change!
Real data that will SHOCK YOU!
We held a detailed student health check survey across 11 schools to confirm the effectiveness of the AMAYDA program!
of students had witnessed bullying in their school environment
of students had experienced bullying on a regular basis and it was seriously effecting them
of students said that they would indeed intervene if they witnessed bullying now they had strategies to handle the conflict situation
of students realised that clear communication is more effective than violent response
Students said the physical fitness component of the program while challenging helped them feel more accomplished.
of students said they felt more confident and the program had a positive effect on their self-image
of the students thought that everything that was taught in the program was useful
Cross, D., Shaw, T., Hearn, L., Epstein, M., Monks, H., Lester, L., & Thomas, L. (2009). Australian covert bullying prevalence study.
IRIS Research. (2014). Estimates of cyber-bullying incidents dealt with by Australian schools.
Spears, B., Keeley, M., Bates, S., & Katz, I. (2014a). Research on youth exposure to, and management of, cyberbullying incidents in Australia: Part A ‒ Literature review on the estimated prevalence of cyberbullying involving Australian minors.
Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia 2010, Avoid the Harm – Stay Calm Report on the inquiry into the impact of violence on young Australians.
Department of Education and Training (2015). A review of literature (2010-2014) on student bullying by Australia’s Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group .